
German Society of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology

Specialized in Speech, Voice and Childhood Hearing Disorders, est. 1983


The German Society of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology (DGPP) was founded in 1983 as a scientific association of specialists for speech pathology and pediatric audiology. It arose from the "Association of German Phoniatricians" (est. 1966). The Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology as a medical-scientific discipline has its roots in the ear-nose-throat medicine and, for many years, was a "subdiscipline" within this area.

In 1992, by a decision of the Federal Medical Council, Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology has received an independent status and is the "youngest" medical discipline in Germany. The specialization takes at least 5 years. It is a mixed surgical-conservative field, however, the surgical activity is not the primary focus.

The tasks of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology include the diagnosis, treatment, and research in the areas of voice disorders, pediatric hearing impairment, perceptive disorders, impaired speech and language development, acquired speech and language disorders (e.g. aphasia) and swallowing disorders. Most important is the interdisciplinary cooperation with the ear-nose-throat medicine, pediatrics, neurology, oral maxillo-facial surgery, orthodontics and other medical disciplines. Furthermore, cooperations with psychology, pedagogy, orthopedagogy, and hearing aid dispensers are maintained.

Close ties also exist for logopaedics as tenet of the treatment of diseases in the field of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology. Therefore, academies and schools for logopaedics are connected to many phoniatric departments and clinics. The students receive their theoretical and practical training in close cooperation with the clinics for phoniatrics and pediatric audiology.